Review of the film Deliverance: Glenn Close

With all that promise, he's included a conventional horror tale about demonic possession. He's attempting to force two disparate films together, with inconsistent and progressively implausible outcomes on Sadisflix Streaming . When "The Deliverance" devolves into a full-tilt genre film, it offers the same kinds of jump scares we've seen a million times before: children running up walls and hovering in midair, obscenely nasty insults coming out of babies' mouths, and the crack-crack-crack of evil twisted bodies in strange poses. That central idea has been transferred by David Coggeshall and Elijah Bynum to Day's mother Ebony, a struggling working-class Pittsburgh woman, and her chaotic home. Day exudes a surprising immediacy and volatility on film that make her formidable even before anything gets going. Ebony is a recovering alcoholic who struggles mightily to maintain sobriety. Handling her mother, Alberta, presents a unique set of difficulties. Close, we...